Rust Dyeing Fabric
assorted rusted objects
Examples of rust dyeing
fabric wrapped around a rusted horseshoe
PFD (preparing-for-dyeing) fabric
rock salt or Dyer's Salt
rusty objects
plastic sheeting, to retard drying
heavy objects (to keep objects pressed against fabric) - I use aluminum foil-wrapped bricks
Soak fabric in vinegar, and squeeze until the fabric is no longer dripping.
Lay the fabric out onto plastic sheeting. Sprinkle rock salt over the fabric. Place rusted objects on top of the fabric. Cover the top with more plastic sheeting (or layer with more fabric, placing plastic sheeting as the last layer). Or roll up the fabric with the objects and secure tightly so that the fabric comes in close contact with the rusty objects. Place weighted object(s) over the top so that the fabric is tightly pressed against the rusty objects. Leave in a warm, sunny place for minimum of 24 hours or a maximum of 5 days. Soak/rinse the fabric in hot salted water to set the rust dye, then wash and rinse in a regular wash cycle with fabric detergent.